Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Brit Band Top 5

My good friends Kevin and Neil have been meeting for some quality "guy time" every week and talking about music and life and probably a ton more. I haven't been able to meet up with them yet (stupid work) but Kevin has filled me in on a couple of their topics. Here's Kevin's list of Top 5 British bands:

Kevo: "I don't know if you have done this one before but you missed this top five at applebees. Top five british bands.

3. Led Zeplin
4. Coldplay

Any arguments?"

And to Kevin, i say, "Yes i have arguments. Isn't that what this whole blog thing is about?"

So here we go. First, if you're going to say "Top 5" anything, i've always felt that you need to qualify your criteria a little bit. And usually that criteria can be broken down into two main sections.
1. Are they in the Top 5 because you like them?
Or 2, are they in your Top 5 because they're influential and had an effect on the rest of the musical universe?
These things matter.

So here are my Top 5 British bands, first by larger influence and second by how much i like them.

Top 5 British bands who made an undeniable influence on musical history (With Apologies to Radiohead, Eric Clapton/The Yardbirds, The Who, Jethro Tull):

1. Beatles
2. Led Zeppelin
3. The Cure
4. Pink Floyd
5. The Sex Pistols

And here's The Top 5 based on the British bands i like:
1. Led Zeppelin
2. Eric Clapton
3. Jethro Tull
4. The Who
5. The Beatles

So yeah, in both of my Top 5's, Coldplay, Radiohead and Oasis don't even sniff #5. They'd probably be in the top 10, but that's not what this site is about now is it?

Alright, now it's your turn for arguments. I expect to hear something back this time.


Lewis Cash said...

Ok, so here are my lists:

Most influential:

1.) The Beatles
2.) Led Zeppelin
3.) Radiohead
4.) Pink Floyd
5.) Sex Pistols

I simply don't see how you can't put Radiohead in this list. They have inspired so many different movements in music, including some of my own. They are for sure on the list! The Cure has my number 6 spot on this list for sure.

My favorites:

1.) Led Zeppelin (big surprise)
2.) The Beatles
3.) Radiohead
4.) The Rolling Stones
5.) The Who

As far as favorites go, I know I'll get shit for The Rolling Stones, but I love them and they are great. As a matter of fact, they are probably my number 7 or 8 on the influential list.

Let the angry arguments ensue.

Lewis Cash said...

Ok, revision time already. I simply forgot about Queen, they would be number five (knocking out The Who) on my favorite list and probably somehwere areound number 6 for my influential. Your thoughts?

can't slow down said...

Ehh...I don't like the premise of the question. Asking who the top 5 British bands are is like asking for a top 5 list of all time bands...I think the only way to break down this list is to either break it down by era or to do individual favorites and overall most influential. If we are doing the is my list:

Overall Most Influential:
1. The Beatles
2. Led Zeppelin
3. Queen
4. The Sex Pistols
5. Radiohead

Individual Picks:
1. Radiohead
2. The Beatles
3. Eric Clapton
4. Queen
5. The Cure

**Coldplay and Oasis didn't make the cut for either of my lists...

Anonymous said...

Im glad the Cure is making most lists, and yea the sex pistols paved the way, but the clash is soooooooo much better, London Calling is one of the greatest albums of all time.
